Submission Guidelines

We want as many writers to be able to get published as possible, we are particularly interested in publishing those from marginalised and under-represented backgrounds within the arts. Whilst we cannot publish every submission we receive, we are hoping that our digital space will allow us to publish as much excellent writing as possible. If you have found that your writing hasn’t “been the right fit” for many places, it might find its home at BENDER.

Submissions are free and we cannot yet afford to pay writers however, this is something we will endeavour to change as soon as it is viable. We accept flash fiction, short stories, creative non-fiction, poetry and beyond. We don’t want you to feel limited by genre so if you think your work would fit here, please send it in. 

Word limit 1,500 words. 

Submissions CLOSED 

Issue 1 is now full and in the process of being printed. 

Guidance for future submissions:

To submit - please send your writing in an editable format, i.e. doc, pages or google doc. If your piece is a few words over the word count to be complete that’s okay but please keep as close to this as possible.

Send your work to with the subject line ‘submission | [your name] | [title of piece]’. Only one submission per person for each submission window. 

Please submit the name you want to be published by, including a short bio (150-250 words) about you and your writing. You might like to include your pronouns, writing history, social media handles, etc but this can be what you want it to be. In addition, it would be really great if you could send a picture to accompany your work, a photograph you’ve taken or an original art piece, etc. This is so we can create more visual content that might eventually be reproduced in the physical zine.